Abstract—This work describes the development and analysis of a single-axis acoustic levitator, which consists of a 38,5 kHz Langevin-type piezoelectric transducer with a concave radiating surface and a concave reflector under increased temperatures and pressures. The levitator design is implemented in a Single-Droplet Optical Cell for levitation processes under varying atmospheres. The advantages of acoustic levitation of small droplets under increased temperatures and pressure combined with spectroscopic applications enable novel experiments possibly relevant to the fields of chemical engineering, planetary science, metrology and combustion chemistry. In this investigation the optimal transducer-reflector distances of a single axis ultrasonic levitator for various temperatures and pressures of different gases are simulated with a FEM-method using a modified Gorkov equitation and experimentally verified.
Index Terms—Acoustic levitation, high pressure application, single axis ultrasonic levitator, thermodynamic application.
The authors are with Applied Laser Technology of the Ruhr Universität Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany (e-mail: baer@lat.rub.de, esen@lat.rub.de, andreas.ostendorf@rub.de).
Cite:Sebastian Baer, Cemal Esen, and Andreas Ostendorf, "Influence of Varying Thermodynamic Magnitudes on the Acoustic Levitation of Particles in a Single Axis Ultrasonic Levitator," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 5, no. 3 pp. 223-228, 2014.