Abstract—Self-ignition of ferrous sulfide compounds is one of
the important causes of fire and explosion accidents in oil and
gas production facilities and storage tanks. Systematic research
on the self-ignition characteristics of ferrous sulfide is of great
significance to chemical safety. In this paper, ferrous sulfide
samples with high activity were prepared by liquid
precipitation method. The pyrophoric properties of the
prepared ferrous sulfide sample in a different atmosphere were
studied by a synchronous thermal analyzer. The results show
that the self-ignition reaction of ferrous sulfide contains two
parts: self-heating and combustion; Accelerating the gas flow
and increasing the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere
inhibits the combustion reaction. And accelerating the rate of
temperature rise make the autothermal reaction more difficult
to undergo.
Index Terms—Thermal analysis, ferrous sulfide, self-heating,
self-ignition, security of chemical industry.
The authors are with the Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology,
Beijing 102617 China (e-mail: liusisi644@bipt.edu.cn,
0020160023@bipt.edu.cn, daihaoyuan@bipt.edu.cn,
Cite: Sisi Liu, Jing Shen, Haoyuan Dai, and Jiancun Gao, "Study on Oxidation and Self-ignition of Ferrous Sulfide Based on the Thermo-gravimetry Experiments," International Journal of Chemical Engineering
and Applications vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 180-183, 2019.